Why I am doing Climate Civil Disobedience this Earth day
by Mark Dunlea, Green Education and Legal Fund On April 23, I will join with hundreds of fellow climate activists at the State Capitol in Albany to tell Governor Cuomo that he needs to walk the talk in taking action to stop climate change. I am one of many fellow Green Party, 350.org, PAUSE, gas … Read more…
Reaction to Cuomo on Climate
Climate Activists Say Cuomo Headed in Right Direction but Needs to Speed Up Transitional Efforts, Starting with Offshore Wind While climate activists said that the Governor’s call for the state to purchase 400 MW of electricity from off shore wind (OSW) a year for two years was a step in the right direction, it fell … Read more…
Will Andrew Cuomo be our first climate change President?
While the Governor must stand for re-election next year, many believes his eyes are on the White House 2 years later. Despite criticism from the left, Cuomo can point to his successes on same-sex marriage, gun control and fracking to help him in the democratic primary. And while it was a challenge a few years … Read more…